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G major deceptive cadence

The Solution below shows the G major deceptive cadence on the piano and treble clef.

The Lesson steps then describe the cadence structure in this key, the chords used, followed by an example of its use.

For a quick summary of this topic, have a look at Cadence.

Deceptive cadence keys


1. G major deceptive cadence

This step shows the deceptive cadence in the key of G major.

The deceptive deceptive cadence moves from the dominant (V), to a chord that is not the tonic(I) - eg. supertonic (ii) scale degree.

So in this major key, we are going from the G major triad chord #V - D major chord, to G major triad chord #ii - A minor chord.

G major deceptive cadence

G major deceptive cadence

To demonstrate this, on the treble clef above, chords G major triad chord #I, G major triad chord #V, and G major triad chord #IV are used to set up the phrase as being in this key, then the cadence chords V and ii finish off the phrase, giving only a partial sense of completion, in comparison to the G major perfect authentic cadence

Another example of the deceptive cadence is the motion from the dominant -G major seventh chord #V7 to G major triad chord #vi, where the final chord is the relative minor of the first chord.

Audio downloads
treble clef iconTreble Clef:MidiMP3

Lesson steps

1. Cadence Types

This step describes the main cadence types, and the idea of strong versus weak cadence.

Cadence definition

In music theory, a cadence is two chords which create a sense of closure, or rest to a phrase, section, or entire piece of music.

The most commonly used are: perfect authentic, imperfect authentic, plagal, deceptive and half cadence.

Some of the above are US-english terms. In the UK, authentic cadences are called perfect cadences, half cadences are called imperfect cadences, and deceptive cadences are called interrupted cadences.

Cadences - strong versus weak

Each of the above cadence types use different chords (or inversions) to create these rest / closure effects.

Strong cadences give a real sense of finality, and so are most often used right at the end of a piece.

In contrast, weak cadences are less conclusive, which can be used to create a sense of rest, or even surprise the listener with a false ending, when a strong cadence was expected in its place.

2. G major scale notes and chords

This step shows the G major scale notes and the triad chords in that scale.

Before describing the details of the deceptive cadence in the key of G major, first it would be to useful to identify the scale notes, degrees and chords that could be used in this key.

G major scale notes

Below is a piano diagram showing the G major scale notes.

G major scale

G major scale chords

For details on all the chords in this scale, have a look at G major triad chords, and G major 7th chords, but a summary table of all chord names and their scale degrees is shown below.

G major scale
Note no.Note nameScale degreeTriad chord #7th chord #
1GtonicG major triad chord #IG major seventh chord #I7
2AsupertonicG major triad chord #iiG major seventh chord #ii7
3BmediantG major triad chord #iiiG major seventh chord #iii7
4CsubdominantG major triad chord #IVG major seventh chord #IV7
5DdominantG major triad chord #VG major seventh chord #V7
6EsubmediantG major triad chord #viG major seventh chord #vi7
7F#leading toneG major triad chord #viioG major seventh chord #viiø7

For each note in the scale (2nd column), there is a triad chord whose root / first note is that scale note (4th column), and the same applies to 7th chords (5th column).

To understand what the roman numerals mean, please look at G major triad chords or G major 7th chords.

According to the cadence type, some of these chords, scale degrees and roman numerals will be used in later steps to define this cadence.

Audio downloads
bass clef iconBass Clef:MidiMP3treble clef iconTreble Clef:MidiMP3

3. G major deceptive cadence

This step shows the G major deceptive cadence on the piano and treble clef.


The deceptive cadence moves from the dominant (V), to any other chord than I, eg. the supertonic (ii) scale degree.

So looking up the chords relating to these scale degrees from the table above, we are going from the G major triad chord #V - D major chord, to G major triad chord #ii - A minor chord.

It is less strong than the G major perfect authentic cadence because the dominant(V) and tonic(I) is the most fundamental diatonic scale degree relationship in western music.

G major deceptive cadence


The two chords above are shown as the last two chords on the treble clef below.

The first three chords on the staff below are not strictly part of the cadence, but they are useful to set the expectation that this phrase is definitely in the key of G major.

To do this, we are using chords G major triad chord #I, G major triad chord #V, and G major triad chord #IV, and after hearing these chords, followed by the first chord in the cadence (chord V), our ear is definitely expecting tonic chord (I) as the final chord in the sequence.

Instead of resolving on the tonic chord, by resolving on the supertonic chord the sense of resolution and finality is not there, in comparison to the G major perfect authentic cadence.

G major deceptive cadence

The audio files below also contain all 5 chords shown on the treble clef above.

Audio downloads
treble clef iconTreble Clef:MidiMP3