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Major pentatonic | C | G | D | A | E | B | F# | C# | F | Bb | Eb | Ab | Db | Gb | Cb |
Minor pentatonic | A | E | B | F# | C# | G# | D# | A# | D | G | C | F | Bb | Eb | Ab |
The minor pentatonic scale is made from the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th notes from the minor scale for a given key.
The major pentatonic scale is made from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th notes from the major scale for a given key.
The 6th and final note in the diagram is the octave note, named the same as the tonic note, and is the note where the scale starts repeating all the way up the piano keyboard.
Below is an example of a pentatonic major scale - the Eb major pentatonic scale.